A Short Course in Linear Programming


Lesson 3. How do we solve linear programs?

Use the Mathematical Programming Glossary to look up terms you do not understand, such as those in italics. 

There presently are two primary strategies: (1) Simplex Method and (2) Interior Point Method.

First, lookup these methods in the glossary, and chain through other terms to which they are linked. Second, look at each of the following introductions to the simplex method and use the interactive solvers.

Third, read the NEOS introduction to interior point methods.

Fourth, look at Richard Weber's notes - Chapters 1-4.

For insights into pathological behavior, see two notes by Charles Blair: ``Some pathological examples for the simplex algorithm'' (pure text), and ``Notes on the Karmarkar Algorithm'' (for this one, you will need to download the tex file and compile it).

Test your knowledge of these terms (in the glossary):


Last updated: July 15, 1997